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Change your pleasure, but do not change your friends. Education is the Chief Defence of nation. Education begins with life. The Voice is celestial Melody .Tomorrow let us do or die. Ability is poor men's wealth. Light atis the symbol of truth.



Hello Friends!

Hello All Ladies & Gentle Men.This is me Ambar Bahadur Budhathoki & this is my new website .just visit & don't forget to comment about my website & your valuable suggestion.
Thank you
Love you all

NEWS-समाचार,बिचार !

That is the first letter he did not read in his Gulf life.

Dear Father & Mother:
Today I am completed 5 years in the Gulf. I am decided to come at home next month. Within these 5 years, I have zero balance apart from clear out my visa expenses and availed one vacation before. Upon this vacation, I don’t like to return Gulf. I have the sound health to do any manual job at home country. Let me know your suggestion, your loving son.
Dear son, father writing: Received your letter and very happy to know about your vacation. Rest will continue your mother. Dear son, Do you know about the condition of our house? The Rainy season, Nobody can to stay inside the house. Repair and maintenance are very expensive with this old wooden item, All are suggesting to prefer a concrete house. Without a home, do you know, there is no alternative. If you decided to stop Gulf, can you do this with your limited income?. I am just reminding this, you can decide what you like. Your loving mother.
Dear Mother, Now I am completed 10 years in this desert. I like to come home next month. Within these periods, we rebuilt our house, and I completed all the related loans. Now I am planning to settle home and expecting to meet our day to day expenses by Taxi driving. I already fed up with this desert life. I want to live with my kids. Let me know your suggestions. Your loving son.
Dear son, Received your letter which is very regrettable when I read. My son started to suffer for us at his childhood. But one more thing I reminding you. Your sister Sonu is aged more than 20. Did you have any arrangement or plan to get her to marry? I have only one ambition that is to die after her marriage. Do not feel bad, I am not passing any burden to you, you can decide yourself. Your loving Mother
Dear Mother and Angel (wife), Now I am completed 14 years this January. I fed up with this Gulf life. I cannot continue more here. I am deciding to cancel my Visa. Within the last four years, we could arrange the marriage of Sonu, which was done well with the help of God higher than our expectation, and paid out all expenses related to her marriage. Also settled my other loans too. Now I am deciding to settle at home and start any job like light driving or similar. I cannot do any heavy work because I have abnormal BP and Sugar. If I continue here, I am forced to pay all my salary for medical expenses, so it is better to continue any Unani treatment at home. Your loving son.
Dear Son, I shed many tears after reading your letter. Anyhow, my son, you don’t go back to Gulf anymore. But Angel (wife) wants to write something. Dear my sweet, after our marriage, I have not requested anything from you, but now I am forced to ask something. After the marriage of your brother ZZZ, your mother is totally against me. Now your mother is depending on his wife for everything. Also, I heard, your mother is planning to give this house to your brother. If any dispute arises, where can we go with our kids? If you are decided to settle home, can you possible to make a house for our own. Do you know the price of steel and Cement and labor charges, which is not affordable? I am just expressing my anxious, you can decide yourself. Your loving Angel.
Dear Angel, Now I am completed 19 years at my gulf life. Within this last four years, we built a new house with my effort which is higher than your expectation. Now I have no balance, except the retirement benefit from the company, I.e my final settlement around NR 250000/- Only that is my net balance. Anyhow turning back, I have satisfaction; I could be done something for others. From now, I cannot continue here. Last 19 years, I could not understand what is family life. Now I am deciding to settle home and I want to live with you and children. This month last, I am retiring from my job, see you face to face, your loving YYYYY.
Dear my sweet loving: After reading your letter, I am very happy to know about your decision to discontinue the gulf life even you are late. But our son requested me to write one thing to you. He likes to join Engineering course. He got an admission Card from Amritha Auto Engineering College, Coimbatore. The first year needs to pay 4 Lakhs then each year 3 lakhs each. No need to pay cash down at one stroke, they agreed to installment payment. Students learning’s there are all expatriates sons. The first installment must pay on or before this 30th. Expecting your reply soon, Yours loving Angel. He spent a sum more for the education of his son and to get marry his daughter, then now he completed 27 years. Now he is on the way to the Airport with his ultimate balance of Blood Sugar, Blood pressure, back pain and ulcer. On the way incidentally, he noticed a letter in his pocket, which he received from home, not opened yet.
That is the first letter he did not read in his Gulf life.

श्रद्धाञ्जली गिरीजाबाबु लाई

20th March, 2010 १९८१ असार १८ गते बिहारको दिपनगरमा जन्मिएका पुर्व प्रधानमन्त्री तथा नेपाली काँग्रेसका सभापति गिरिजा प्रसाद कोइराला स्व. बि.पी कोइराला र मातृका प्रसाद कोइरालाका भाई हुन । २००७ साल, २०१७ साल, २०४६ साल र २०६२÷६३ का आन्दोलनमा उनी प्रत्यक्ष संलग्न थिए भने, २०४६ सालको जनआन्दोलन पछि प्रथम जन निर्वाचित प्रधानमन्त्री भएका थिए । २०६२÷६३ सालको जनआन्दोलको कमाण्डर कोईराला ले जनआन्दोलन पछि राष्ट्र प्रमुखको जिम्मेवार सम्हाली अन्तरिम संविधान जारी गर्दै सविंधानसभाको चुनाव गराए । सविंधानसभा बाट नै राजतन्त्रको अन्त्य गर्दै गणतन्त्रको स्थापन गरी नेपाल लाई गणतन्त्र नेपाल बनाएका थिए।

थुप्रै काण्डाहरु लउडा, धमिज, पार्टी फुटाउने आदी ईत्यादी आरोप हरु लागेका गिरिजा प्रसाद कोईराला लगातार तीन पटक नेपाली कांग्रेसको सभापति र पाँचपटक नेपालको प्रधानमन्त्री भएर ८६ बषको उमेरमा २०६६ चैत्र ७ गते मृत्यु भयो । नेपालमा प्रजातन्त्र र गणतन्त्र स्थापनमा अमुल्य योगदान पुyयाउनु भएका स्व. गिरीजा प्रसाद कोइराला लाई हार्दीक श्रदाञ्जली अर्पण गर्दै । स्वर्गीय आत्माको चिर शान्तीको कामना गर्दछु ।


स्मरणीय कतार यात्राको पलहरु

२००७ जुलाई १७ को दिनमा धेरै नयाँ आशाहरु र सपनाहरु बोकेर केही समयको लागि नेपालको भुमीलाई हात हल्लाउँदै कतार कर्म क्षेत्रमा उत्रीएँ यो नै जीवनको पहिलो अनुभब थियो! बिदेश यात्रा पहिलो चोटी भएर होला त्यसैले त्रास, चिन्ता र कौतुहलताले मन खाइरहेको थियो । शायद पहिलोपल्ट नै आफन्तहरुबाट बिछोडियर होला असाध्यै एक्लोपन महसुस भएको थियो तर पनि जीवन यात्रालाई अघि बढाउने क्रममा मनभित्र जे जस्तो भए पनि बाहिरी बातावरणसँग समायोजन गर्न मैले निकै प्रयास गरको थिएँ । यसरी नै दु:ख सुख , बिछोड , परदेशी हुनुको पिडा बोध र बिदेशी आँगनमा सँगालेका स्वदेशी र बिदेशी मानिसहरुको बिभिन्न खालका अनुभबहरुलाई स्मरणमा गाँठो पार्दै आज करिब तीन बर्षको अवधि कतारमा बितीसकेको छ । यही परिबेशमा ,रहनसहनमा, बानी व्यबहारमा यति लामो समय सम्म आबद्ध भईरहेकोले होला भौतिक रुपले सधैंभरिको लागि बिदा गर्नलाई मन मानीरहेको छैने र पनि सत्य कुरा चाँही यही नै हो कि जीवन सदा एउटै बिन्दुमा अड्किरहदैन। जिन्दगी यात्रा हो, समय र परिस्थितिहरु यसका मोडहरु हुँन् र लक्ष्य अनि सपनाहरु यात्रालाई सजिवता दिलाउने तत्वहरु हुँन् । समय परिवर्तनशील छ , मान्छेहरु चेतनशील छन् यही अनुरुप आफ्नो भबिष्यमा चालिने पाइलाहरुलाई मुर्त रुप दिन हरपल प्रयास गरिरहेका हुन्छन् । शायद यही नै पाईन्छ मान्छे हुनुको प्रकृति र यसैलाई भनिन्छ अर्थपूर्ण प्रयासमा जीवन जिउनुको सफल चित्रण। यही मान्छेहरुको हुलभित्र म पनि एउटा आधार खोजिरहेको मान्छे जसले कम्तिमा उभिने धरातल पाएको छु । अब कहाँ , कसरी र के गरेर यात्रा शुरु गर्ने त्यो म मा भर पर्ने कुराहरु हुँन् । कतारको बसाइँले मलाई थुप्रै नयाँ कोणहरुबाट जीवन जिउन सिकायो, हिंड्न सिकायो जुन मैले पहिले देख्न असमर्थ थिएँ तव मलाई लाग्यो जब मान्छे चार भित्ता भन्दा बाहिर निस्केर गतिशिल संसारसँग आफुलाई तुलना गर्ने आँट गर्छ त्यसपछी मान्छेहरुले धेरै सम्भावित बाटाहरु भेट्टाउन सक्षम हुन सक्छन् ! जहाँ उसले बिना सिमा रेखा पूर्ण स्वतन्त्रतामा आफ्नो संसारलाई रंगिन बनाउन तल्लिन रहन्छन् । तर यहाँ आएर कति पाएँ, कति गुमाएँ त्यसमा कुनै गुनासो छैन मेरो ! तर कतार प्रबेशले मेरो जीवनमा महत्वपूर्ण ठाउँ राख्छ । मलाई त यस्तो लाग्दैछ मेरो जीवन बल्ल शुरु हुँदैछ संघर्षका श्रेणीहरु बन्दै नै छन् , अनुभबका बगेल्टिहरुसँग खेल्ने दिनहरु निर्माणाधीन छन् , जोखिमका चुनौतिहरुसगँ जुध्दै आफ्नो लक्ष्य र उदेश्यहरुलाई निरन्तरता दिने मौकाहरु सिर्जित हुँदै छन् । जीवनमा दोश्रो पल्ट नयाँ देश, भिन्न माहोल, फरक बातावरणसँग आफुलाई कतिको अनुकुल राख्दै यात्रालाई निरन्तरता दिन सक्छु या सक्दिन त्यो भोलिको दिनले बताउने नै छ मात्र यो विश्वाश छ कि चाहे जे जस्तो आँधी बेहरी किन नआओस्, घुम्तिहरुमा जति नै काँडाहरु बनेर बाटाहरुलाइ कठिन किन नबनाओस् तर म जीवनको परिक्षा दिन आशा,भरोसा र कर्म सहित सधैभरि तत्पर रहनेछु। भगवानसँग यही नै प्रार्थना छ !मलाई धर्य धारण दिने शक्ती दिनुहोस्, हरेक आरोह अबरोहसँग लड्ने सामर्थ्य दिनुहोस्। अर्को कुनै ठाउँ बाट छिट्टै नै भेट्न पाउभन्दै यहाँहरुलाइ अन्तिम कोशेलीको रुपमा सुम्पिदैँ बीदा हुन्छु !!! सलाम वल्कीम,,,,,,,,

संसार मा यस्तो नयाँ एउटा कार बनाएको छ(अबीस्कार गरको छ) जुन कार जमीनमा गुडछ र आकाश मा पनि उडछ {कार को नाम (Name of car) Terrafugia Flying Car}!!!

The Company

Terrafugia was founded in 2006 by award-winning MIT-trained aeronautical engineers and MBA's – who also happen to be passionate private pilots. The company’s mission is to provide innovative solutions to the challenges facing personal aviation. The result: the Transition® Roadable Aircraft.

Taking advantage of new FAA regulations in the Light Sports Aircraft category, Terrafugia developed the Transition® to provide pilots the convenience of a dual-purpose vehicle. Its unique design allows the Transition® to fold its wings and drive on any surface road with a modern personal airplane platform. Once at the airport, the wings extend and the aircraft is ready for take-off. Both folding and extending the wings is done from inside the cockpit.

The Transition® addresses head-on the issues private and sports pilots face cost, weather sensitivity, high overall door-to-door travel time and a lack of mobility at destination. In July of 2008, Terrafugia returned to EAA AirVenture in Oshkosh, WI with a completed Proof of Concept Transition® vehicle. Powered testing of the Proof of Concept has been ongoing during the second half of 2008.
Construction, testing, and certification of the Production Prototype will follow completion of the Proof of Concept’s testing program. First customer delivery of a Transition® Roadable Aircraft is expected to occur in 2011.

To date, Terrafugia remains privately funded by a sophisticated group of accredited individual investors. The company is based just outside of Boston in Woburn, Massachusetts, USA.

The Transition®

Every pilot faces uncertain weather, rising costs, and ground transportation hassles on each end of the flight. The Transition® combines the unique convenience of being able to fold its wings with the ability to drive on any surface road in a modern personal airplane platform. Stowing the wings for road use and deploying them for a flight at the airport is activated from inside the cockpit. This unique functionality addresses head-on the issues faced by today’s Private and Sports Pilots. Terrafugia’s award-winning MIT-trained engineers have been advancing the state-of-the-art in personal aircraft since 2006. Now you can streamline your flying experience with the revolutionary integration of personal land and air travel made possible by the Transition® Roadable Aircraft. Performance
Cruise: 100 kts (115 mph)
Rotate: 70 kts (80 mph)
Stall: 45 kts (51 mph)
Range: 400nm (460 mi)
Takeoff over 50' obstacle: 1700' Fuel burn: 5 gph
Fuel tank: 20 gallons
Useful Load: 430 lbs
On road: 30 mpg, highway speeds Light Sport Aircraft (LSA)


Front wheel drive on the ground
Automotive-style entry and exit
Two place, side by side
Automated electromechanical folding wing
No trailer or hangar needed
Cargo area holds skis, fishing poles or golf clubs


Drive in case of inclement weather
Proven 100 hp Rotax 912S engine
Full vehicle parachute available
Modern glass avionics
Automotive crash safety features


Folded: 6’ 9” tall 80” wide 18’ 9” long
Airplane: 6’ 3” tall 19’ 2” long
Wingspan: 27’ 6”
Cockpit: 51” at the shoulder
purchase price: $194,000.
Become a Sport Pilot in as little as 20 hours of flight time in a Transition®-specific course. For existing pilots, get comfortable quickly with the familiarization training included with every Transition® delivery.

Terrafugia Flying Car video

Wh@t Î$ Ŧhe Me@ning of V@lenŧine' $ Da¥ ?

Beyond the roses, chocolates and historical ties to a pagan fertility festival, you'll find the real meaning of Valentine's Day. It's the true love that compelled a young Christian to give up his life rather than stop sharing his faith

V@lenŧine's D@¥

When we think of Valentine's Day, we often think of red roses, candy in a heart- shaped boxes, mushy valentines, and winged cherubs flying about shooting starry-eyed lovers with arrows.
But did you know that the origin of Valentine's Day, or Saint Valentine's Day, comes from the life and death of a Christian martyr? According to author Martha Zimmerman, the date traditionally celebrated as St. Valentine's Day finds it origin in the Roman festival of romance called Lupercalia when the gods Juno and Pan were honored. It was a fertility festival or a lover's holiday looking forward to the return of Spring. In the fifth century, in an attempt to abolish the pagan festival, Pope Gelasius changed Lupercalia and it's February 15 date to February 14 and called it Saint Valentine's Day. Even though the names and the date were changed, the emphasis continued to be on love.
Who was the real Valentine, and why did he have a day named after him? Some authorities credit Geoffrey Chaucer with originating the custom of linking Valentine's Day with lovers. No link between the day and lovers exists before the time of Chaucer, thus leading some to conclude that it was this famous English author who connected the day with lovers. The fullest and earliest description of the tradition occurs in Chaucer's "Parliament of Fouls" composed around 1380. Since that time it has been traditional to connect St. Valentine's Day with love.
But who was the real Saint Valentine? St. Valentine was a Roman Christian who, according to tradition, was martyred during the persecution of Christians in the third century by Emperor Claudius II. The only thing certain about the day we remember as St. Valentine's Day is that it commemorates a martyrdom. Claudius II declared all Christians illegal citizens. By his definition, they were guilty of treason because Roman citizens were required by law to worship the Emperor by declaring publicly, "Caesar is Lord!" Of course, this no Christian could do.
Ŧhe real Valentine was a Roman Christian martyred during the third century A.D. by the Emperor Claudius II. Prior to his death, Valentine continued to minister in prison by witnessing to his prison guards. One of the guards was a good man who had adopted a blind girl. He asked Valentine if his God could help his daughter. Valentine prayed and the girl was given her sight. The guard and his whole family, 46 people, believed in Jesus and were baptized. When the Emperor heard about this he was furious that Valentine was still making converts even in prison, so he sentenced Valentine to death. Just before being led out to his execution, Ŧhe young Christian wrote a note to the jailer's daughter, signing it, "From your Valentine." The first Valentine was really a Christian witness. Growing out of this story we participate in a custom of sending cards to people we love.
Given that the tradition of sending love notes grows out of a letter written by St. Valentine to his jailer's daughter on the eve of Valentine's execution, it's ironic that the card we send has received the emphasis, instead of remembering the content of the original Valentine's card: a message of unconditional devotion to Christ, even upon pain of death.
Over time the word "Saint" has been dropped from St. Valentine's Day, further obscuring the origins of this holiday. Instead of a negative reaction to some of the pagan origins of the day, why not celebrate the true love that compelled young Valentine to give up his life?
Remember that the day we know as St. Valentine's Day actually commemorates the death of an early Christian martyr, Valentine, who was put to death for refusing to renounce his faith in Christ. Instead of chubby cherubs, sappy cards, too much candy, and soon-wilted flowers, why not point your family toward the true significance of St. Valentine's Day this year? By all means, celebrate the day, but re-inject it with Christian meaning by resolving to live for Jesus without fear or shame, following the godly example of Valentine's unconditional love for Christ. How can you celebrate St. Valentine's Day in a way that honors the original Valentine, who was martyred for his devotion to God? First, give your life to Christ. Second, declare the truth about God's love even if it costs you something. Third, become a servant to those you love, rather than demanding that your needs be met. According to pastor Alex Stevenson, we all want to hear the phrase, "Be my Valentine." It simply means "you are loved."
Ŧhis Valentine's Day, remember that you are loved. God loves you and wants you to be His Valentine. The love that God gives us is not like the world's love. The world's love is only as sturdy as a paper Valentine's card. But God's love is not a flimsy, cheap imitation: it is the real thing. It is an all-giving love that was and is willing to suffer and die for our deliverance. Will you be God's Valentine? It is your choice. Say yes and give to God the love He desires. And when you do, remember the first Valentine and how he gave everything, including his life, to the God he loved.


नव वर्ष २०१० को पावन अवसरमा दाजु-भाइ, दिदि-बहिनि,साथी भाई, तथा देश विदेश मा रहेका इस्ट मित्र तथा सम्पूर्ण नेपाली हरुमा सुख शान्ति तथा उत्तरोतर प्रगतिको कामना गर्दै हार्दिक मंगलमय शुभकामना ब्यक्त गर्दछु!!!
Hello! Wishing you all Happiness, prosperity and good times to last all year! Very - Very Happy New Year 2010.

H:Hours of happy times with friends and family
A:Abundant time for relaxation
P:Plenty of love when you need it the most
Y:Youthful excitement at lifes simple pleasures

N:Nights of restful slumber (you know - dont' worry be happy)
E:Everything you need
W:Wishing you love and light

Y:Years and years of good health
E:Enjoyment and mirth
A:Aangels to watch over you
R:Rembrances of a happy years!

Enjoy and have fun .....
Am@r Budathoki

Minimum wages for Nepalis hiked

Ambassador says the move was prompted after a thorough study found the current minimum wage of QR600 was just not enough.
Starting from New Year’s Day, the Nepali in Doha embassy will attest only those job documents where the employer agrees to pay a minimum salary of QR800 a month to unskilled workers from the Himalayan nation. The present minimum wage requirement is QR600.
Confirming the report that appeared in a Nepalese newspaper on the issue yesterday, Nepalese Ambassador to Qatar Dr Suryanath Mishra said his mission had already intimated the new development to representatives of companies approaching the embassy for attestation of job documents for recruiting personnel from Nepal.
“Either the employers should be prepared to give a minimum salary of QR800 or a salary of QR600 plus food allowance of QR200 if food is not included in the contract”, the ambassador clarified.
The proposal for hiking the minimum salary of Nepali workers was made following the general feeling among the unskilled workers that the present minimum salary of QR600 was not enough to cover the expenses incurred for making a living in Qatar.
The embassy arrived at the new figure on the basis of a clear understanding of the general living standards in the country, Dr Mishra said.
The envoy said that when he arrived on his term of duty the minimum salary of Nepalese unskilled workers was only QR400, which was fixed when the Nepali embassy started functioning in the country in 2001. “In the beginning of 2008, it was revised to QR600,” he added.
However in the prevailing circumstances, the embassy has learnt that with a salary of QR600, unskilled workers were finding it extremely difficult to make both ends meet, he said.
“That’s how the embassy has arrived at the latest figure of QR800,” he explained.
Answering a query, Dr Mishra said a similar hike in minimum salaries of unskilled Nepalese workers is being effected in other GCC States too, where there is a sizeable Nepalese population.
After Saudi Arabia, Qatar is believed to employ the most number of Nepalese nationals in the region. The expatriate workers from the Himalayan country in Qatar are estimated to be around 300,000 according to embassy sources.
The ambassador expressed the hope that the unskilled workforce from his country would be benefited from the hike in the minimum salaries.
The Nepali media  had also reported that the embassy plans to effect a hike in the minimum salaries of its semi-skilled workers to QR2,500 and that of the skilled personnel to QR3,500 depending on the professions.
The salary of professionals such as engineers, doctors, surgeons, managers and chartered accountants has been fixed in the range of QR3,500 to 10,000 based on profession and experience, according to the newspaper.
The remittance to Nepal from workers in Qatar will increase by about Nepali Rs1.8bn per under with the new provisions.
According to the newspaper report, the embassy has also made it mandatory for employers to bear the cost of two-way tickets.
With this rule, the cost for workers going to Qatar will reduce by about QR1,500 to 2,000.
The embassy has also fixed a ceiling on the amount manpower agencies can charge a worker to send to Qatar at QR3,500 per person.

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